Sunday, January 25, 2009

Greencard Designs now in stores?

WOW!!! I can't believe I've done it!!!

This wonderful shop in Chicago, Wolfbait and B-Girls, is now carrying some of my favorite cards! I just submitted some today and we'll see how things go!

Please visit Wolfbait at, or come in if you're in Chicago. This is a great store stocked with goodies from local artists and designers. Wolfbait and B-Girls is located at 3131 W. Logan Blvd. in Logan Square - and they are open on Sundays!!! Go and have brunch at Dunlay's on the square and shop locally at Wolfbait.

I'll keep posting the stores you can find Greencard Designs as they come! This will be one of my goals for 2009. We'll see what happens! Don't forget my etsy shop,

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